University Indonesia | nternational Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System

Date : 7th December (Monday) - 8th December (Tuesday) 2009
Location : University of Indonesia, Indonesia


*Introduction *

The 2009 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS 2009) provides an international forum that brings togetherness among those actively involved in the field of Computer Science and Information System to report on up-to-the-minute innovations and developments, to summarize the state-of-the- art, and to exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems engineering, human machine interface, and emerging applications.

Papers related to this conference theme including theories, methodologies, and emerging applications such as recognition of activities of dialy living are encouraged. Contributions covering theoritical developments and practival aplications, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:

- Face Recognition/ Analysis
- Face Reconstruction
- Gesture Recognition
- Distribute Intelligent System
- Expert & Knowledge-base Systems
- Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis
- Image Processing/Pattern Recognition
- Bioinformatics
- Multimedia Application
- Computer Network and Architecture
- Fuzzy Logic
- Genetic Algorithm
- Neural Networks
- Robotic System
- Smart Sensor Networks
- Modeling, System & Control
- Intelligent Devices/Consumer Electronics
- Intelligent Home Environments
- Parallel/High Performance Computing
- Information/ Multimedia Retrieval
- IT Governance
- Self-Organiation and Cybernetics for Informatics
- Industrial Applications
- Information Assurance & Intelligent
- Infrastucture System and Services
- Intelligent Auto Surgery
- Biometric Applications
- Surveillance
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Biomedical Applications
- Content-Based Retrieval
- Formal Methods
- Distance Learning


*Submission of draft paper (full-length papers only), 27th September 2009
Notice of acceptance of draft paper, 11th October 2009
Submission of final camera-ready papers, 15th November 2009
Conference, 7th December - 8th December 2009*

*Organising Committee*
Honorary Chairs:

- Gumilar R. Somantri
President of University of Indonesia, INA
- T. Basaruddin
Dean of Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, INA
- T. Fukuda
Nagoya University, JPN
- T. Usagawa
Kumamoto University, JPN
- S. Hölldobler
Tech. University Dresden, German

General Chairs:

- Mirna Adriani
University of Indonesia, INA
- Yugo K. Isal
University of Indonesia, INA

Progam Chairs:

- W. Jatmiko
University of Indonesia, INA
- B. Hardian
University of Indonesia, INA

*Paper Submission*

Please read the following link :
http://icacsis09. id/index. php?page= submission

*ICACSIS 2009*
*c/o Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia
Contact Person :
Penny H. 6221 786 3419 ext: 1110
Zainal M.H. 6221 786 3419 ext: 2202
Wisnu J. 6221 786 3419 ext: 1241
Fax 6221 7884 9119
Email : icacsis09@cs.
Webpage :*
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