unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience.
Free and independent media is a significant factor for a functioning democracy, social justice and the protection of human rights. The Master’s Program is based on the belief that there is a connection between democracy and development, between the freedom of opinion and democracy as well as between free media and development. The prerequisite for the establishment of a functioning, free media system are journalists who realize their role as a critical observer and reporter. This can only be guaranteed when they are professionally trained and feel obligated by a set of journalistic ethics.
Students will acquire the knowledge and skills that are essential for a journalistic career. They will be able to meet specific occupational requirements with expertise and communicative independence.
Target Group
The program is targeted at students from around the world that want to work in a position of responsibility in journalism or the communications sector. It especially addresses journalists-in-training, media representatives from radio, TV, online and print and communication experts.
- Media representatives from radio, TV, online and print
- Journalists-in-training, especially from electronic media
- Journalists and management from community radio stations
- Communication experts
- NGO employees
- Employees from ministries
- Employees from cooperative development groups and projects
- Representatives from regional working groups and national broadcasters
- Media association representatives
15 Scholarships will be awarded to applicants from Africa, Asia, Latin America or Eastern Europe. The scholarship will be about 750 Euro covering your cost of living and costs for accommodation. The tuition fee and the flight will be remunerated, too. A committee will decide which applicant will receive a scholarship.If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you are required to submit the following documents:
- completed application form (attachment)
- curriculum vitae in table form
- statement of purpose
- academic degree including transcripts
- proof of at least one year's work experience in the field of media after your degree
- proof of English-language skills (TOEFL: score of 550 or higher, IELTS: Score of 6.0 or higher, BULATS: score of 70 or higher, LCCI: level of 3, etc.)
- proof of German-language skills (TestDaF level TDN 3 or DSH level 1)
- one passport-size photograph
- copy of the first two pages of passport
- original Certificate of APS (for applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia)
Please note that the copies of the certificates and the translations into German or English need to be certified. Please send your application form to: Deutsche Welle, DW-AKADEMIE, International Media Studies, Dr. Christoph Schmidt, 53110 Bonn, Germany, E-Mail: Barbara.Hiller@dw-world.de
Moreinfo: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,12278,00.html