Is there any university offer digree or course in computerscience onlinely(whole for free)?

Is there any university offer digree or course in computerscience onlinely(whole for free)?

Question:I waste my whole time to search good university for computer science.Every university asking for money,but I have no enough money.I think I need to get manual education for computer science from university.PLEASE HELP ME!

I doubt it dude, nothings for free..
Nope, they all cost money. If you can't afford it, then apply for a student loan, and if you're eligible you can apply for government federal education grants(US).

Also you should probably use the spell checker.
According to your spelling and English you are NOT ready for University schooling. Try learning and spelling English first.
Why should you get the training free? I paid for mine, and my children. Earn your money first by working during the day and go to night school to learn English(free). Then pay for your University training like the usual American citizens do.

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