Swiss Government Scholarships for Foreign Students 2010

Swiss Government Scholarships are awarded by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). They are by definition intended exclusively for foreign students who wish to complete their education at a Swiss university or federal institute of technology, such as the UNIGE.

They are awarded in accordance with a list of countries eligible for Swiss Federal Scholarships, drawn up at the beginning of every year.

The scholarships are reserved exclusively for candidates already in possession of a university degree from their home country. Applications are to be submitted to Swiss diplomatic representation in the candidate’s country of origin.

Candidates are strongly advised to begin taking the necessary steps roughly a year in advance.

Scholarships are granted for an academic year of nine months. An extension may be granted if the scholarship is needed to finance an educational programme lasting more than two semesters, and only if the recipient of the scholarship has successfully passed his or her first year of study.

Swiss Government Scholarships for Foreign Students 2010 

Embajada de Suiza
Américo Vespucio Sur 100 - CHILE
Teléfono: (56-2) 263 4211 / Fax: (56-2) 263 4094
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